9 September 2006

It doesn't look like much, but...

... we've probably managed to cut back around half of the blackberries now.

Fortunately things look clearer than this on the allotment. In the far corner, not really visible is the remainder of the greenhouse. Still not sure what to do there at the moment, but am a little concerned about the safety of the brickwork if the kids come down to the allotment. On the left is the start of a huge pile of blackberries, grass, nettles, etc. That's one big bonfire waiting to happen. And not really visible on the right by the orange plastic is the small stone wall marking the border.

Managed to break a pair of secateurs, overworked them obviously! Started trying to cut back the 'hedge' as well. This may be a bigger job than clearing the rest of the allotment. As it is a hedge, or it is in my opinion, it can come down to 5 feet high according to the allotment office. Sadly they were less helpful with suggestions on disposal of all the glass and how to access the site to get some manure delivered.

Hopefully back down on the allotment for a couple of hours tomorrow afternoon, but for now currently making grand plans via the couple of seed catalogues that have arrived...


welsh girls allotment said...

Impresive progress on the brambles !!! Mine are still as thick and lush as before as I am unable to start until Saturday, I am going to cheat even more now as not just my Dad has volunteered but my friend who works with industrial strength strimmers and hedge cutters is going to help remove the wilderness !!

Anonymous said...

I am so envious of you having put garlic in already. We are at the Meersbrook site in Sheffield but it looks like yours was a similar wilderness. We have been on holiday and haven't even finished with the hedges yet. We had decided that until we had burnt everything we could possibly cut down we wouldn't attempt to do any digging.But having seen your soil I now feel the urge to plant!