Well, anyone got any suggestions as to what's going on here???
It is from a Costoluto Fiorentino, growing in a large pot in the polytunnel and none of the others seem to be developing (?) like that. Any suggestions welcomed.
Oh and no one has got all the flowers from the
last post correct yet! I'll give it another couple of days before giving the answers.
I think it could be 'catfacing' - the blossoms get stuck to each other and you end up with deformed tomatoes.
Nothing wrong - costoluto seems prone to doing this which is why we haven't grown it this year. This is one of ours from last year
Thanks for the explanation. So is it going to make you 'rogues gallery' then Sue?!
Have you heard of megablooms? They can produce tomatoes that look like yours, almost like a disorganized bunch of tomatoes fused together. It would be interesting to see a cross section. Great blog.
It certainly earns a place in my rogue's gallery Rob. I'll link it back to your blog.
You are now featured in the rogue's gallery here
Doesn't "Costoluto" mean "convoluted" or some such? You can see why! I have grwon these in the past, and they often produce some wierd-shaped fruits. Nothing to worry about, I say.
I wonder what it'd have looked like if you'd left it to mature... I kinda love these weird things growing your own produces.. My Costoluto has only just started producing fruit of any kind but not had anything like this yet... :)
I was going to say I thought they were supposed to look like that!
It's a mutant space tomato. I'd keep it close but maybe not too close... :o)
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