... digging. Well Saturday and Sunday to be honest, but only for a couple of hours at a time. Saturday was cold and sunny, as was Sunday as well, with frost still visible when I went down - early start! Soil still easily diggable (is that a word?!), so just steadily ploughing through with it.
What no beds?
After starting on the digging it quickly became apparent, it wasn't going to work just digging the beds I wanted, I was going to have to dig all of it to get the roots out. So, I've been steadily cursing my way up the plot digging out huge great long roots and dumping them by the wheelbarrow load further up the plot. It has to be said, this isn't the most fun job in the world, but it's better than watching England play rugby at the moment!

Still collecting up some of the bigger leaves into an old bark chippings bag and roughly marked out a couple of paths. The main central(ish) path look a bit too wide to be honest, but it's not a major issue at the moment. However, having got this far with the digging it's time to start making my mind up on what to plant where...

I`m doing the same at the moment,on some parts of my plot the roots are quite bad so i`v turned it over and let the weather at it for a few weeks,i picked some of the roots out today and they came out so easy. Much better on my back...
Me too, digging that is. Bind weed is my biggest pain because it breaks so easily, I love the bramble roots - such a sense of satisfaction! I met Michelle Duck at the weekend (Duck Dinner Dash)she has a plot about 5 down from me, very impressive to say she has only been going for a year. Gives me something to work towards.
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